About Help.co.uk


Ausaf Khan is the founder of Secret Cop Ltd, the company behind Help.co.uk. A digital practice specialising
in helping businesses & agencies on how best to leverage their digital assets. His “Know Your Domain” is a proprietary system producing robust & actionable solutions helping to install the best of breed digital operations. Click here to read more the Know Your Domain.

Graduating with a BA (Hons) Marketing degree, he has carved out an incredible niche over the last 23 years in the online field. His passion in all things digital has taken him all over the UK & beyond for speaking opportunities, leading seminars & client work. He also founded a start-up digital agency which he ran for nearly 2 decades.

It was during the last few years that he realised that the agency model was severely restricted to fully do justice to their clients beyond website design, SEO & PPC campaigns. With the level of competition constantly rising, upping your game beyond said services is vital to get to the next level. The need to look at the business as a whole & make necessary adjustments to fully harness the digital arena has never been so important.

Ausaf recognised this shift & his passion & strength grew more towards helping clients to spot opportunities / gaps, advising on operational / process structures, building & managing teams through an actionable roadmap instead of just undertaking SEO or PPC campaigns. The problem was that the traditional digital agency model was not built for this. Feeling powerless to truly give the help the client needed, he finally made the decision to part with the agency he originally founded.

His skills are to create a well-oiled digital machine within your business that will operate more efficiently, be scalable, stable & producing better results.

It was on such principles that Help.co.uk was built, with the firm belief that approaching matters in a structured method as opposed to ad hoc, is a logical way to propel any business forward. How is this done? Well, over time he has developed the “Know Your Domain” programme (read more) which has proven invaluable to many businesses.

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